Thursday, March 13, 2008

Heart Of A Champion

In case you're wondering, Karen is off today and tomorrow. She's representing US 96.3 at the Children's Miracle Network Convention in Orlando, Florida. Also attending the convention is the pride of Brandon, MS -- Colby Barrett. Colby is 10 years old and is proud to boast that he "kicked cancer's butt." BTW, Colby is my new hero.

Colby is the 2008 Children's Miracle Network Champion! Colby gets to represent the Children's Miracle Network in Orlando and Washington, D.C. where he will get to meet President George W. Bush. Colby says he will ask the president for more funding for cancer research in Mississippi.

I recently had a chance to spend some time with Colby. You may ask, what do you do if you get to spend some quality time with your hero? Play Games!! We closed down Gatti Town Pizza a couple of weeks ago. Colby is an incredible gamer! He even beat me at the sledge hammer game where you whack the sledgehammer on the pad and see how high the lights go. Not even close. I guess that game is based on spiritual strength and not physical strength 'cause he whooped me.

Have a great time in Orlando Colby! Wishing you all the best in your journeys -- just take it easy on me in the gameroom dude.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Then & Now

I thought this was a really cool picture. Thanks to Janet Smith for sending this to me. It's a picture of Capitol Street in the 1950's. A real tragedy now if you ask me...