Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Throwing A Fit

Thanks for all the feedback about the story on the radio yesterday about throwing a fit at Wal Mart. I always knew our listeners had strong opinions and I got some on both sides yesterday. One lady I ran into at daycare pickup was agreeing wholeheartedly with everything I said.

On the flipside, I got an email from a listener who thought I should apologize to that poor woman at the deli counter. She felt that the woman had worked all day on Easter and was just trying to get home to her family a little sooner. Now if you're really lost -- the lady at the deli counter wouldn't slice any lunch meat for me at 8:30pm after telling me she gets off at 10:00 and needed to finish her cleanup routine.

The best comment came from my wife's best friend last night at dinner. She said that I was totally in the right to throw a fit. Here's the quote: " go ahead and throw your fit. I can't imagine what I would've done at that deli counter...especially if I was PMSing." Now that's a fit worth seeing on a security cam.

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