Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Gas Rant

Just had one of my co-workers tell me that she paid $3.09/gallon for gas this morning. I noticed yesterday that my neighborhood station was dangerously close to the $3.00 mark for the cheap stuff. Let's back up and look at the root of the problem. The problem with high prices does not lie with the company that owns your neighborhood gas station. It's not the guy who drives the truck that delivers the gas to your neighborhood gas station. It's the oil companies!

Exxon had a record 4th Quarter profit in 2007 and record profits for the year overall. 40 B..b...billion dollars profit! What gets me steamed is that the price of oil in the USA has absolutely nothing to do with the price of oil per barrel that you see on the news everyday. The price of oil is set by American oil companies. Americans ripping off Americans in the most legal of fashions. If you want to know why this country is in danger of dropping into a recession -- that's why. Own oil stock? You should feel ashamed of yourself. You're ripping off your neighbor.

Are you ready to get back at the oil companies? The singlemost effective way to stop the highway robbery is to not buy anything when you get gas. The gas station owner makes a few pennies off each gallon of gas. The oil companies make the big margin. The gas station owner makes a few pennies off inside sales. The oil company makes a killing on that bag of chips and candy bar you're thinking about buying. Don't do it! Put down the candy bar and move away from the counter. That candy bar helps big oil get rich!

It sure would be nice to see Farmer Johnson figure out a way to make that corn and soy bean crop work to make my truck run. I can't wait for the day when we have a solution to being held hostage by big oil.

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