Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Nice guys do win.

Starting off this morning -- congratulations to the guy running for Congress who ran the NICE campaign. The one who didn't call my house 3 times a day. The one who didn't plaster my neighborhood with signs. The one who stopped by my wife's office and was genuinely a pleasant person to speak with. Anyhow...enough about that.

Hey did you see what Hillary Clinton did while campaigning in Philadelphia, PA yesterday? She compared herself to Rocky! You remember that's where the legendary movie Rocky was filmed all those years ago. I was kinda confused because I didn't know which Rocky she was comparing herself to -- the boxer or the cartoon flying squirrel?

Got the nicest email yesterday about our April Fools prank...

Good morning! Your April Fools joke was a good one. For a split second I was reminded of the folks who had the morning show before the two of you and I was sad. Then almost immediately, I told my son this has to be your April Fools joke. I am soooooo glad I was right. You guys make the morning commute an hour and a half enjoyable. Keep up the good work! Scott, don't worry, you don't fit the angry guy mold well at all! Thanks for making a rainy morning a ride of laughter. Enjoy the day! Karen Daniel


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